Acts of Remembrance – EDIT



Acts of Remembrance

As we were beginning to shoot that day, she asked me about my personal ways of recollecting lost thoughts – if there were any mental or cognitive tools I used to regain lost memories and ideas. I said that I’d noticed developing a certain slip of thought: thinking a thought and then randomly transitioning to a stream of new ideas and not remembering the initial thought at all. Through this I had also formulated a practice of taking steps backwards along my thought patterns. This would eventually lead to my first thought by default. Acts of Remembrance is a piece about the interplay of sensation and memory, the sense of touch in particular in relation to (and a tool of) remembering.

Noora Isoeskeli & Tuomas Laulainen Ote teoksesta “Acts of Remembrance” kesto 07:32 originaalin kesto 01:30:47

As we were beginning to shoot that day, she asked me about my personal ways of recollecting lost thoughts – if there were any mental or cognitive tools I used to regain lost memories and ideas. I said that I’d noticed developing a certain slip of thought: thinking a thought and then randomly transitioning to a stream of new ideas and not remembering the initial thought at all. Through this I had also formulated a practice of taking steps backwards along my thought patterns. This would eventually lead to my first thought by default.

Acts of Remembrance is a piece about the interplay of sensation and memory, the sense of touch in particular in relation to (and a tool of) remembering.

Olen taidehistorioitsija ja entinen taidemaalari, joka on työskennellyt erilaisissa taidealan tehtävissä niin julkisella kuin yksityiselläkin sektorilla. Termi ”taidealan sekatyöläinen” pätee kyllä minuun, mutta sen sijaan kutsun itseäni mieluummin renessanssi-ihmiseksi. Kirjoittajana kiinnostun usein herkimmin juuri niistä asioista, joiden en usko muuten päätyvän esimerkiksi sanomalehden sivuille.


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